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Experiential Training Activities for Outside and In
Outdoor activities are a powerful and effective means of energizing a group and a potent means of changing both awareness and behaviour. This manual is packed full of practical outdoor activities plus advice and guidance to help you run them safely with the minimum fuss. An ideal complement to any t... read more
Grand Canyon Adventures
A series of team building simulations.
This team building simulation will take participants on an unforgettable learning adventure! Set in the Grand Canyon, these video management training DVDs offer team building activities for groups, and provide an adventurous backdrop for enthusiastic participant involvement and memorable skill build... read more
Team Building Blocks
Practicing Group Collaboration
Using the set of 14 polished wood blocks, participants work together in performing engaging exercises. Your teams will be motivated and stimulated by solving problems, reaching consensus, and resolving differences while involved with these experiential puzzles. The game comes complete with 14 wooden... read more
36 Indoor/Outdoor Actvities for Leadership, Team Building, and Problem Solving
36 varied and versatile activities that cover a wide range of training themes and can be conducted indoors and outdoors. Some activities are play in the sense of games of joy and physical exercise. Others are play in the sense of games like chess.